Dorie was born and raised in Sugarhouse, and attended Highland High School, Dixie College, and Utah State, her major was nutrition and food science.
Married in 1979 to Mark Hofmann, quit school to support their family while Mark was in School.
Her husband was incarcerated in 1987, (Netflix documentary: Murder Among The Mormons) for murder and forgery.
She was left with 4 young Children, 5, 3, 2, 6 weeks. She started a daycare in her home, sold cakes, did sewing & ironing to support herself and her family. She divorced in 1988.
She was always interested in holistic health and began to pursue her interests and educate herself, which she did.
Just like certain pine trees that need to experience a forest fire to germinate their seeds. The tragedy of her husband’s choices has helped her to become the person she was intended to be, helping other people to overcome the trauma and tragedies in their life, and create the life they were born to live.
As a hypnotist, Reiki Master, and Lymphatic Massage Therapist for over 22 years, her passion is to help her clients and students heal themselves from inaccurate thoughts, feelings, ideas, and labels about themselves and create a healing experience of body, mind, and spirit; assist them in changing unconscious habitual thinking into intentional truths and realizations and actions of who they are, able to answer these questions:
Who am I?
Why am I here?
Where am I going?
And then answer for themselves Where do I want to go?
Trained in Reiki in 1997,
Trained in Aesthetics in 1998
Trained in Lymphatic Massage in 1998
Trained as a Certified Consulting Hypnotist 2000 Trained in Palmtherapy( an emotional release technique) in 2000.
Engage MicroDaily distributors 2021
Avacen Medical Device Distributor 2022
Napoleon Hill Institute Ambassador Coach In Training 2023
She has integrated her Palmtherapy, hypnosis, and Reiki training to create a unique process that assists her clients in quickly releasing and clearing emotional barriers so they can create and have the experience they want in life.
She works with individuals, Small Businesses Corporations.
She has been a keynote speaker and speaker for the UN Women of the Mountains She has 4 children, 3 living, 12 grandchildren, 11 living.